Beau is in his second week of school and Ali is in her first full week of school. And we are in our first year of consistent "homework." Beau is beginning to read "Take home books," once a week where he concentrates on a word or sound by reading it 5 times to his parents, signs his name, and takes his sheet back to school. We are also really concentrating on writing our names with correct handwriting skills. (Going pretty well so far.) He had to make a poster for school that contained information "all about him" listing all his favorite things. Beau thought it was cool that he is the only kid in class who wants to be a "zoo keeper or paleontologist" when he grows up. His teacher asked, "Beau what is a paleontologist?" Beau said he told her, "that is a Doctor that finds and studies dinosaur fossils." Yes, Ross Gellar, everyone knows that!
Ali started her 3k preschool class that meets 3 days a week on Monday. She goes to school half day and really likes it! The first day we had a minor incident when her "fish" (discipline system her class uses) was moved once because she got up and walked out of class and to her cubbie for her "lovie" without permission. But today, "lovie" stayed in the car and Ali's "fish" wasn't moved and she came home with an "excellent sticker" for her behavior on the day! Way to go! Ali says she loves coloring. (She has her Mom's skills!!!!) She got to take her favorite "toy" today and she took a purple My Little Pony. (Princesses and dolls stayed home to avoid any tantrums when they were passed around.) She says she has two friends in class this year, Davey Ann and Neeley. (She is in a class of 10, but we haven't learned everyone's name just yet.) Her teacher's are Ms. Kristie and Ms. Jennifer, and Ali likes them both. (Good start!) Ali's favorite thing about school so far is that she has a "big girl bag like Beau carries." She gets to carry her snack and lunchbox in this bag along with her take home folder that comes home daily reporting Ali's behavior and schoolwork. She is really proud of it!
We are off to a good start! Let's hope the kids always enjoy "home work" this much!