Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Age 6: And Finally a Few "Firsts"

Beau has had back-to-back days of "firsts". Yesterday during baseball practice, he received his first bruised nose from getting popped between the eyes with a baseball. (Thanks Coach/Dad who threw the ball! Don't worry, he picked up the ball and still made the play BEFORE letting the hurt set in. Derick was so proud!) And today, he lost his first tooth! You can see in the picture, it is one of his bottom, front teeth. (We have been waiting all year to lose a tooth.) Here are a few pics as Beau proudly shows off his baseball "battle bruise" between the eyes and his first picture as a "snaggle tooth." We love you, "Big Man!" And let's hold off on anymore "firsts" for a while. You are growing up too fast!

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